Boy Turned Into Baby Girl Story

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You have applied for a new job as a babysitter to look after a 13 year old girl who lives in to rich part of town with her divorced mother. You are required to live in the spare room and to be the carer for the young girl throughout the day. The pay is very good and the job seems simple enough, her mother is away for business most of the time, often for months on end.

You pull up at what is a very large and well looked after house where you will be staying to take care of the girl. A tall and smartly dressed woman greets you at the door inviting you into the house, she shows you around and explains all of the duties that you are required to do as you stay there. The usual jobs, clean the house, wash the dishes, buy food, and ofcourse look after her young daughter. The mother explains that her daughter, called Sally, is currently away staying over at a friends house and won't be back for another hour or so. You're shown to the spare room that you'll be living in as you stay and are told to unpack.

After a couple of minutes you've managed to unpack all of you belongings and arranged the room how you'd like it. In a hurry the mother quickly tells you that she needs to leave to catch a flight for a business trip she's attending, you're told that she'll be back in around 14 days when you'll be able to return home.

With the house suddenly to yourself you decide to explore your new surroundings properly and see where everything is. There are 3 floors each with at least 8 or 9 rooms on them, you soon notice a door that is completely different from the rest. It's pink and has the words "Sally's room" decorated on it in large over the top lettering unlike all other doors which were white. You decide to have a little peak inside to see if you could work out the type of person that you'll be taking care of for the next two weeks. Everything inside was bright pink and was outrageously girly. Bows were everywhere and frills complimented every detail the room offered. It was clear to see that this girl was stereotypically 'girly'.

You decide to watch some TV as you wait for Sally to arrive home from her friends house. You have a short small frame with long shoulder length brown hair, you hardly seem to have grown since school. You've always been tiny in comparison to your friends, you hardly weighed anything and would often get mistaken for someone of a much younger age whenever visiting
Nightclubs and bars.

After about an hour you can hear the front door opening behind you, a young girl walks in and closes the door behind her. She's wearing a yellow poofy dress that reaches down to her knees, it's covered in bows and delicate swirls of lace. Her hair is long and brown, it is parted down the center and tied on each side to make pigtails using yellow matching bows. She looks fairly tall and has a slightly bigger build compared to most girls her age. Soon after placing her bags on the floor by the door she notices you looking at her from the sofa, her eyes immediately light up and before you even have chance to introduce yourself she runs over to you, turns the TV off and grabs both of your hands.

"You must be the new friend my mum's got for me" she says to you as she leads you upstairs into her bedroom. You feel almost overpowered as you're forcibly moved by her from one place to another. You try to speak but she immediately places her finger on your lips and whispers, "It's okay i'm going to look after you". She sits you down on her bed as she disappears into her wardrobe. "This is amazing, i'm so happy that you're here. I've been telling my mum for months that i'm old enough to take care of myself and now i've finally got someone for me to take care of while she's away. I've always wanted a little sister". Your heart sinks as you hear that, you don't know what to do or where to go. Just as you're about to speak out and say something she walks over to you and slips a white and pink dummy into your mouth and strokes your hair.

You're encouraged to stand up and hold your arms out. Sally begins to measure your body with a tape measure, it's at this point you realise that she's taller than you are. "That's so amazing! It looks like you'll fit perfectly into the clothes that I used to wear when I was 10!". You want to run but you know you can't, Sally is holding your hand and you don't think you'll be able to break free if you tried. Without any hesitation she starts removing your clothes until there is nothing left. You're approached with a pair of white delicate cotton panties, they're slipped up your legs quickly. You can't believe that they fit you so comfortably, you couldn't help but notice the tag on the back that stated that it was for girls between the ages 9 - 10 years, you'd never felt so embarrassed. Sally then produced a pink dress that matched the yellow dress that she was wearing, it is pulled over your head with ease and you suddenly find yourself wearing nothing but the clothes made for a little girl.

You're pushed back onto the bed and white frilled socks are pulled up your feet followed by black mary jane shoes. Sally, clearly enjoying herself, begins brushing your hair and quickly you find it tied down the middle in two pigtails with pink bows used to hold them up. "Now don't you look pretty Jessica?", Sally takes the dummy out of your mouth and leads you to her mirror. You can't believe what you can see, you're dressed identically to her only in pink. You look just like a little girl would, you can see in the mirror that she is taller than you and she looks older now too.

Sally again takes you by the hand and leads you downstairs, looking down to you she says "Now, what would you like to do?". Not knowing what to say or how to even respond you just look back and stare right back at her like a lost puppy. "It's such a nice day outside maybe we should go and play on the park together" she suggests. In shock you try to shake your head to say no but Sally leads you out the front door by the hand. You feel so ashamed and embarrassed with yourself, you're outside in the open walking down the street with a girl holding your hand dressed in matching outfits. As you pass people they look at you both and smile with the occasional "aww" being heard.

You reach the park. Sally takes you to a large tree in the center, "let's play hide and seek! You need to face the tree and count to 100, then you need to try and find me". Before you could object or suggest something else you're turned around and made to start counting. The 100 seconds seem to take a millennia to reach, you turn around and look around the park to see if there's any signs of Sally. It's a big park that looks to go on for miles, Sally could be anywhere and you don't know where to look first. You begin to panic and realise just how alone and out in the open you are. You don't know where you are and have no way of knowing how to get back to the house you first arrived at. In a hurry you begin frantically running searching to try and find her. You can't see her and she's been gone for nearly 10 minutes, tears start to form in your eyes as you desperately try to find the girl that put you in this situation.

Just as you start to lose all hope of finding her you can hear the sound of a group of girls getting louder and louder from behind you as they get closer with each passing moment. With nowhere else to go and nobody to be with you close your eyes and hope that you wake up from this horrible dream. You suddenly feel a hand on your back "are you okay there sweetie?", you here a girl say. Opening your eyes you look up to see 4 girls around you. You cant speak, you don't know what to say or where to look to. "Have you lost your mum?", one of the girls asks. Not answering them they assume that you're a lost little girl and take you by the hand with them.

End of Part One.

Boy Turned Into Baby Girl Story


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