Metal Gear Solid 5 Black Screen on Starup

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was released today, 1st September, on Steam and by now it got a lot of positive reviews, but the game has some issues that are affecting players. The most common Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain errors are: Startup Issues/Crash, Random Crashes, and Low FPS or FPS Drop. Below you can see all of these issues detailed, and also you can see tips on how to fix them.

How to Fix Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Errors:

1) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Startup Issues, many users are reporting issues with the start of the game like crashing on the launch or black screen when they try to start the game through Steam.

"So, was able to download the game, but upon starting all I see is three dots in the upper right-hand corner. After a minute or so, I can hear noises when pressing buttons on both keyboard and controller, but only the black screen remains on display.The game is also opening in windowed mode, immediately which is strange. Wondering if anyone else is seeing this?"

"When I try to launch the game through Steam it always crashes, how can I fix this? I want to play the game!"

Solution: Go and follow the tutorial at the end of the post to fix the startup issues and play the game after that.

2)Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Crashes, for some players the game crashes randomly when they are playing, and they are encountering "MGS V: TPP has stopped working."

"Metal gear has stopped working? Anyone else? Zeroes no issues runs fine….  Nvidia GTX 760, updated to latest drivers! And yes Windows 10 with Intel quad-core processor any solutions out there?"

"My game keeps crashing, and it's almost impossible to play, how to fix this??"

Solution:  Follow the tutorial at the end of the post on how to fix the major issues in the game.

3)Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Low FPS/FPS Drops, some players are encountering FPS Drops or Low FPS during the game.

"Hello, I am having problems with FPS. My config is GTX 960M, I7, 16 GB Ram. My Nvidia GeForce says I should be playing the game on Extremely High, but even on low, I have trouble with FPS – 20/30 tops. Any solution? I'll be grateful for the help."

"So I'm running this game at 60 FPS consistently. However, I sometimes have some FPS drops where everything goes down to 35 for a few seconds (I've encountered them twice so far so I'll just attribute that to random stuff)."

Solution: Check our tutorial below to fix the FPS issues in your game.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Tutorial to Fix Major Issues:

Our team of developers managed to release a patch that helps you fix the errors described above. You can see how our patch looks like below, where you can also find a tutorial on how to use it and a download link. Please follow the tutorial step by step before asking any questions regarding your issues. Our patch won't interfere with your Steam account, it will just change some files and .dll in the game folder in order for the errors to be fixed.

Follow the tutorial below to apply the patch correctly to your game.

How to apply our patch:

  1. Download the archive of the patch from here: download
  2.  Extract the downloaded archive on your PC, and open the patch from the folder.
  3. Your GPU will be selected automatically, make sure that you use your dedicated GPU if you have a laptop!
  4. Select the game executable from the game folder, if you used the default install folder it should be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"
  5.  Select your issue or issues from the box to the right and click the corresponding "Fix" button.
  6. After your errors are successfully fixed you can click the "Launch Game" button and play the game.

How to download: Well, you might think that our download service is pretty annoying but is very effective. To download you just need to complete a simple offer, it usually takes a few minutes, and after that, you will be able to download the patch. We use this service because is the only way to support our developers and to keep releasing and updating patches for games. Thank you! We hope you understand us and have fun playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain!

We hope that our guide helped you fix your errors and that now you are playing the game. If you encounter any problems, please contact us with a comment below and we will help you fix your game. – Team

If you are looking for a fix for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes click here.

Metal Gear Solid 5 Black Screen on Starup


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